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MailMoat.com Quick Tour

Without a MailMoat.com Account:
It all starts when you fill out a form on a website to request additional information, register with a website for some *free* service, or you have to fill out a form, to get an email on where to download a file or program that you want.  You give them your "real" email address.  A little later, you get back the information that you need.  Later, you start to notice that you start getting more and more spam email messages.  The site that you just gave your email address, just sold, traded, or gave your private information away to another party, or decided to use it themselves for the purposes of using it to send out spam email messages.
With a MailMoat.com Account:
You visit the same website, but this time, you give them a MailMoat email address that you configured to only accept 1 email within the next 30 days.  Then you get back the information that you requested. Now if the website decided to use, sell, or trade your email for the purpose of spam mail, the email address will be an invalid email address.  MailMoat email addresses automatically expire after a set of criteria (set by the user) has been met.  Say goodbye to spam email messages with a MailMoat email address.*
*MailMoat cannot stop spammers who already have your current real email address, we can only help protect you from other spammers getting your email address.
Need more info?
You can read the About MailMoat.comHow MailMoat works, Why should I choose MailMoat?Frequently Asked Questions, or our Features and Rates pages.

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Michigan Integrated Solutions, Inc.