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MailMoat.com Features and Rates

MailMoat.com currently offers Individual accounts. (We're planning to add Corporate accounts very soon.) Individual accounts are available for $5/month or $20/year (save 66%).
Here are the features that you get with each kind of account:
  Individual Accounts

Features Available

Monthly Yearly
Auto Expiring email addresses. (aliases will either automatically expire after a set number of email messages have been received and forwarded, or on the expiration date you designate.)
30 Active email aliases. (keep up to 30 different active aliases working for you at any given time.  This allows you to use different aliases for different purposes; easily managed through your MailMoat account control panel.)
Create up to 1,000 different email aliases per month.  (you may create up to 1,000 aliases per month; only 30 working aliases will be active at any given point.) 
Organize your aliases into groups. (you have the ability to group your aliases [used for similar purposes] for easy reference.)
Re-enable an expired alias. (if you find you need to re-enable an expired alias, it's easy to do in the MailMoat account control panel.)
Ability to send Anonymous email. (send off short email messages to a website, company or individual to request information, using one of your aliases as as return address.  This helps to protect your real email address and identity from people who require you to email them for more information, instead of filling out an online form.)
Ability to configure an alias to forward to a secondary email address. (you may designate a primary and secondary email address to which you can an alias forward to.)
Add comments to an alias. (remember to whom you have given which alias.)
Track the emails rejected by MailMoat to your expired alias. (we keep a counter so that you know that MailMoat is working to protect you from unwanted spam email; it keeps track of how many emails have been turned away from an alias that you're finished with.)
Access to webmaster tools [coming soon]. (tools that will allow you to embed an automatically created alias on a web page, and have it change randomly; protects you from spammers who suck email addresses off web sites to sell or give away.)   
Discount for 1 year sign-up. (Save $40.00 over the monthly plan!)  
Rates $5.00/month $20.00/year

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